December, 2024
Professor and researcher Alan Angeluci, leader of the Smart Media & Users research group and faculty member at ECA/USP, will embark on an academic collaboration period at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands, in January 2025. Welcomed by the researcher Richard Rogers, Angeluci will participate in the Winter School of the Digital Methods Initiative, exploring the theme “Chatbots for Internet Research?” and investigating new data collection methodologies in media. Following this, he will attend an event at King’s College in London, hosted by Professor Jana Omena, to engage in discussions on Digital Methods and foster knowledge exchange with international scholars. More updates for our research group will follow soon.
November, 2024
The Smart Media & Users research group, with the participation of researchers Gustavo Moreira Calixto, Carlos Henrique Sabino Caldas, and Alan César Belo Angeluci, has published the article titled “Interactive Practices in Live Digital Platform Broadcasts: A Case Study of CNN Brazil on YouTube” on Galáxia Journal ( The study aimed to examine the interactive practices in live broadcasts on digital platforms. For this purpose, approximately 14,000 chat comments were collected during CNN’s live broadcast on YouTube, held on February 25, 2024, during a pro-Bolsonaro demonstration on Avenida Paulista.
The quantitative analysis and sentiment analysis methodology identified the polarization between supporters of Lula and Bolsonaro, expressed through alternating sentiments and reflecting a pattern of regularity and intentionality. The sociossemiotic approach complemented the analysis, proving to be a promising combination for further studies.
Other publications by group members were released in 2024 and can be accessed in our “Publications” tab. Go check them out!
September, 2024
On September 30, 2024, the research group hosted an insightful open meeting at the ECA/USP auditorium, featuring Professor Elias Bitencourt from the University of Bahia. The event brought together researchers, students, and digital enthusiasts for a rich exchange of ideas on data visualization and digital methods, fostering meaningful discussions about interdisciplinary research and future collaborations.
Elias Bitencourt, who coordinates the “Datalab/Design – Research Laboratory in Data Visualization and Digital Methods,” delivered a thought-provoking presentation titled “Perspectives on Research in Digital Methods.” He shared his group’s theoretical-methodological approach to exploring digital tools and how these methods can drive impactful research across disciplines.
The meeting was recorded and is now available for viewing on the ECA/USP YouTube channel. If you missed the live event, you can catch the full discussion here:
The session was moderated by SMU leader Alan Angeluci and member Carolina Gois Falandes.
June, 2024
The Data and Cultural Analytics Seminas 2024, held on June 7 at University of São Paulo, celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Smart Media & Users research group. The event brought together experts to explore the transformative impact of big data on various sectors, emphasizing its role in shaping modern practices and decisions.
The Seminar features a panel discussion titled “How Big Data Analysis Has Been Changing Practices and Decisions in Your Area of Practice?”, moderated by Gustavo Calixto (SMU). In addition to this, the importance of interdisciplinarity in research was a central theme. The speakers Rogério Mugnaini, Marcio Carneiro dos Santos, Carolina Terra, Rodrigo Botelho-Francisco and Luciano Guimarães highlighted the growing relationship between digital data and cultural practices, showcasing how the integration of diverse fields has been essential to advancing big data applications.
The discussions underscored the need to prepare professionals capable of handling large datasets effectively while promoting collaborative efforts across different knowledge areas. Experts shared insights into the challenges and opportunities of managing big data, emphasizing how interdisciplinary approaches can foster innovative solutions to complex cultural and societal issues.
With its engaging panels and thought-provoking debates, the seminar reinforced the significance of bridging the gap between data science and cultural studies to better understand and address the dynamics of our digital era.
At the end of the event, the special guest Lev Manovich, a renowned cultural theorist, likely emphasized the transformation of digital culture and the importance of critically analyzing these media. He talked about how new technologies shape our experience and perception of reality, while urging reflection on the role of digital platforms in society. Additionally, he pointed out the creative potential of digital tools, alongside cautioning about challenges such as misinformation and privacy concerns.
To watch the full seminar, it is available at the following link:
January, 2024
“Data and Cultural Analytics Seminar 2024” is an event part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Smart Media & Users (SMU) research group at University of São Paulo, Brazil, dedicated to investigate the access and use of digital artifacts in contemporary culture by exploring digital methods. In the context of Software Studies, Information and Media objects are the main focus of SMU research, using computational, visualization, and other data science methods for exploring the nuances of digital culture.
For this seminar, we are planning a full day of activities involving a talk with Lev Manovich: “Understanding Cultural Data”. He is an artist, theorist of digital culture and one of the main and most important contemporary authors in this area of research, discussing highlights of his books, such as The Language of New Media (2001), Software Takes Command (2013) and Cultural Analytics (2020). Lev Manovich is a Presidential Professor at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, and the founder and director of the Cultural Analytics Lab. This seminar is aimed to foster, enhance and publicize the discussion on Data and Cultural Analytics, calling attention for the necessary interdisciplinary perspective and promoting national and international research collaboration in this topic. The seminar is planned to occur in May-June 2024, at School of Communication and Arts at University of São Paulo (ECA/USP), São Paulo, Brazil. Further information is to be provided sooner.
December, 2023
The study titled “Youth and Instagram Stories: A Netnographic Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” stemming from the research of the late Milena Possar Garcia, a member of SMU who passed away in 2021, has been published in the prestigious Information Research journal. This marks a moment of great joy for the group, as Milena’s work can now impact researchers worldwide interested in the social relationships mediated by social media technologies. The study is accessible under the “Main Publications” tab.
May, 2023
Angelo Gozzi, a member of SMU, recently gave a presentation to students at the University of São Paulo (USP). The researcher had the opportunity to engage with undergraduate students from USP on Data-Driven Culture applied to big data. The talk took place within the context of the Information Technology Fundamentals course, taught by Alan Angeluci and attended by students from ECA (School of Communications and Arts) and other units, such as the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME) and POLI (Polytechnic School). The knowledge exchange proved to be highly enriching for all involved.
August, 2023
Renowned researcher Alan Angeluci was invited to deliver the keynote lecture at the PPGCOMPro program of the Federal University of Maranhão. In his presentation, he addressed a topic that has been his focus in recent years: digital methods. The invitation came from the coordinator of the Maranhão program, Professor Marcio Carneiro dos Santos, one of Brazil’s leading experts in digital methods and prototypes research.
October, 2022
Two exciting announcements have emerged in 2022 regarding the partnership between the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and Professor Alan Angeluci, leader of SMU.
Firstly, the approval of the “Colônia” project through the research funding grant from FAPEMIG, the research foundation of the state of Minas Gerais, is a significant achievement. The project was proposed by Dr. José Guilherme Prado Martin, leader of the FERMICRO laboratory and responsible for the study.
Secondly, another positive outcome from the same project is the approval of a scientific article in the prestigious Journal of Biological Education. This article stems from the doctoral research of Jonas Teixeira, supervised by Martin and co-supervised by Alan Angeluci. Titled “Let’s play? A systematic review of board games in biology,” it exemplifies the interdisciplinary spirit of the SMU group.
These achievements underscore the collaborative efforts and commitment to impactful research within the partnership. Details of the study can be accessed through the “Main Publications” section.
June, 2022
In 2022, SMU became part of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP) – the best university in Latin America and the Caribbean and among the top ones according to the QS World University Rankings. With Professor Alan Angeluci, the group’s leader, migrating to the School of Communications and Arts in June, the process of integrating the group has already begun, including registration changes with the CNPq research group directory. Further changes are on the horizon. The new house in São Paulo and the contemporary technological transformations, combined with the group’s tradition, brought with greater force the demands for applied research that seek to better understand the relation between emerging technologies/new media and social, cultural, physical and virtual spaces through digital methods and data science analytics and visualization.
March, 2022
As part of the training week organized by the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at USCS, a workshop titled “Big Data: Access, Handling, and Storage of Primary and Secondary Data” was conducted. Led by SMU member Alan Angeluci, the workshop aimed to equip participants with skills and knowledge regarding tools and software for collecting and analyzing large datasets. Additionally, it addressed ethical considerations, responsible AI, and other issues related to the National Data Protection Authority and LGPD (General Data Protection Law).
December, 2021
The year 2021 saw the SMU group achieve significant milestones with impactful scientific publications in high-profile journals. For instance, researcher Marcello Farias, alongside Alan Angeluci and Brasilina Passarelli, published their master’s study in the prestigious Observatório journal, titled “Web Scraping and Data Science in Applied Research in Communication: a study on online reviews.” Alan Angeluci also contributed two high-impact articles, resulting from his collaboration with Polish researcher Agatha Blachnio from The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, focusing on Phubbing. These studies received support from the CNPq Universal Grant (Process n° 424802/2016-3) and the National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) in Poland (Process n° 2017/25/B/HS6/01517). They are titled “Measurement Invariance of the Phubbing Scale across 20 Countries” and “Country Indicators Moderating the Relationship Between Phubbing and Psychological Distress: A Study in 20 Countries.” The publications can be found in the “Main Publications” section.
March, 2021
The lecture “Data Science in Communication Practice” was moderated by Prof. Alan Angeluci (USCS) with the participation of the following guests: Angelo Gozzi: Holds a postgraduate degree in digital marketing from Belas Artes in 2018, working in the field of online media and business intelligence as a professional since 2017. He has worked for agencies such as Oribá, B-Young, and Tryout, serving major players including Grupo Fleury, FAAP, Dow Química, Banco Pine, Multibenefícios GPA, Embelleze, among others. He is the author of the course “Google Data Studio – Deliver Intelligence,” available on Udemy and certified by Google and Facebook for campaign delivery and results monitoring. Marcelo Ruiz: Has been involved in digital journalism since 1997. He was the executive editor of Diário Online, the website of Diário do Grande ABC, editor-in-chief of the website of the São Paulo City Council, and editor of Metro Jornal. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Communication at PPGCOM-USCS.
The video can be found here:
February, 2021
SMU is in mourning. The symbolic defense of Milena Possar Garcia, who passed away suddenly in December 2020 is an important process, though. February 2021 marked the post-mortem defense of the researcher and SMU member Milena Possar Garcia. Milena is one of the founders of the group, having been present since its early meetings in 2014, when she was still an undergraduate student. Her panel was composed of Professor Rodrigo Francisco-Botelho from the Federal University of Paraná and Professor Priscila Ferreira Perazzo, along with the work’s advisor, Alan Angeluci. At the end of the symbolic defense, where Milena was approved, the video above made by friends and colleagues from SMU and the Master’s in Communication was shown, who had the privilege of living with the researcher in her little over 20 years of life. She will be forever remembered fondly.
The video can be found here:
November, 2020
The USCS Day is an annual event hosted by the University of São Caetano do Sul. During this event, students in the midst of college entrance exams from various schools participate in a full day of activities to learn more about the institution and its courses. The USCS Day 2020 was a resounding success! Therefore, we invite you to join the webinar where we will present this case, in which we had the pleasure of developing a Gamified Trail for this special day:
In addition to Renato de Amorim Gomes, Managing Partner of Wire Edtech Solution, we have the participation of Alan Angeluci, IT and Communication Professor, and Jean Rafael Tomceac, Game Designer Specialist in playful learning.
September, 2020
The videos about the Phubbing project are already prepared and available on SMU’s YouTube channel. In the videos, there is a significant summary of the information gathered over the 3 years of research, which had the collaboration of some SMU members, such as Milena Garcia, Carolina Gois Falandes, and Silvana Comunian.
The video can be found here:
June, 2020
A study investigating the use of sound media in combating COVID has been published in the Communication and Education journal. The paper details the experience of the “#MDDFcontraocorona” project, an educational initiative employing digital media in vulnerable communities in the ABC region of São Paulo. A committee comprised of favela residents and education and communication experts collaborated to produce and distribute six educational podcasts addressing COVID-19 prevention tailored to the reality of social isolation and misinformation in the favelas. Interviews conducted with residents allowed for the assessment of nuances in promoting changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and socialization. The project posed a challenge for SMU researchers, who conducted the entire research and data collection process digitally and remotely during the pandemic, given the necessary distancing measures.
The article can be read here: link
August, 2019
At the invitation of SMU, Professor Sanaz Fallakahair conducted a workshop on prototypes in human-computer interaction with members of the research group and the Master’s Program in Communication at USCS. The English researcher also took advantage of the stay funded by SMU to hold a working meeting between IBM research type researchers in São Paulo and SMU members, with the aim of establishing possible collaborations.
April, 2019
High school scientific initiation student, Gabriel Araújo Magalhães, a PIBIC scholarship holder, showcased his work during the Scientific Initiation Exhibition. His research, conducted in partnership with master’s student and SMU member, Alexandre Quaglio, focused on the use of flipped classroom utilizing multiple screens in teaching-learning scenarios.
September, 2018
Master’s students Alexandre Quaglio and Carolina Gois Falandes, both members of SMU, are currently in Arica as part of an exchange program to advance their master’s research. Their work falls under the umbrella of Professor Alan Angeluci’s project, which, in collaboration with Professor Vagner, has secured funding from CONYTIC. Records indicate various stages of the students’ research, including field data collection from students and residents of the Chilean city.
June, 2018
As a visiting professor at the Universidad de Tarapacá en Arica (UTA), SMU leader Alan Angeluci has been immersed in advancing two crucial stages of the research project he leads with Professor Vagner Beserra (Universidad de Tarapacá) on Digital TV and multiscreen and their communicational and educational aspects, funded by CONYTIC (Chile’s equivalent of CAPES). These stages include data collection and theoretical framework analysis, as well as the Gantt chart for applied research – to be carried out next semester under the supervision of master’s students Alexandre Quaglio and Carolina Gois Falandes, both SMU members. They will also travel to Chile to conduct part of their research linked to this umbrella project. The exchange with students in workshops and fellow professors has been rewarding. Special thanks are extended to partners Vagner Beserra and Monica Navarrete – the latter leading the “Explora” Program, one of Chile’s key projects bridging elementary school students and academia. UTA is a state public institution located in the far north of Chile.
May, 2018
The newspaper Diário do Grande ABC organized an important debate on its TV program, broadcasted on YouTube. The topic, ‘If it’s fake, it’s not news,’ aimed to discuss the issue in the contemporary world, how to identify fake news, its impact on society, and how students in schools and universities should be prepared to deal with this problem. The conversation was live and featured the participation of SMU professor Alan Angeluci, Professor Luiz Alberto de Farias from ECA-USP, and journalist Evaldo Novelini, the Editor-in-Chief of Diário.
December, 2017
The workshop “Data Extraction and Visualization from Social Networks” was held with approximately 15 visiting students. SMU leader Alan Angeluci discussed the use of techniques and tools for extracting digital data from social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as visualization tools for relationships and interactions using Gephi. Subsequently, master’s students Samuel Carvalho, Silvia Carvalho, and Regiane Bianchini, members of SMU, showcased prototypes they developed in Professor Angeluci’s class with applications in public interest topics. For example, Samuel discussed the importance of private companies’ engagement in public interest actions using the “#MeToo” movement as a case study, while Silvia and Regiane analyzed data from Brazil’s violence map and the publications on the USP Violence Center’s social networks regarding femicide.
December, 2017
The professors from the Professional Master’s Program in Public Communication Innovation at USCS, including SMU leader Alan Angeluci – accompanied by Antonio Carlos Pedro, coordinator of the university’s cultural action center – conducted a technical visit to the Bixiga Memory Center on Tuesday afternoon (12). The center is affiliated with SODEPRO (Society for the Defense of Traditions and Progress of the Bixiga Neighborhood). Located on Treze de Maio street in São Paulo, the space is very close to the USCS Medical campus and was founded by Walter Taverna, a former resident of the neighborhood who welcomed the professors at the event. The purpose of the meeting was to identify possibilities for agreements between the PPGCOM-USCS and SODEPRO for future research and social inclusion work in that space.
April, 2017
SMU from USCS and Teacher Narratives and Digital Information and Communication Technologies from Methodist University of São Bernardo do Campo (UMESP) met April 2017 to discuss their topics of interest, ongoing research, and opportunities for institutional exchanges and partnerships. More details at the event website here.
October, 2016
The Media Criticism Seminar, supported by SMU, is scheduled to take place on October 6th and October 20th, 2016, at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul. Two distinguished speakers have been invited to delve into the intricate connections between content production by mass media and its influence on public opinion, as well as the broader implications of communication systems on socioeconomics and ideological matters.
September, 2016
“Comunicação Transmídia” a book edited by SMU research leader Alan Angeluci, is now available for free on the EdiPUCRS publisher website: link.
Esteemed authors have contributed their perspectives on this groundbreaking research topic, including Carlos Alberto Scolari, Vicente Gosciola, João Massarolo, Geane Alzamora, Denis Renó, Lorenzo Vilches, and others.
March, 2016
“Exploring Second Screening: QR Codes, Hashtags, or Audio Watermarks? A Case Study” has recently been published in the Springer Journal Multimedia Tools and Applications. This collaborative effort features SMU researcher Alan Angeluci and Gustavo Calixto alongside colleagues from UNESP – Leire Mara Bevilaqua, Gleice Bernardini, and Maria Cristina Gobbi. Employing a triangulation method approach, which includes prototype development, quantitative and qualitative questionnaires, and focus group discussions, the study conducts user test sessions to gather participant perceptions and reactions while second screening using variations of QR codes, hashtags, and audio watermark markers.
The paper is accessible via the following link:
September, 2015
Päivi Aarreniemi-Jokipelto, from Haaga-Helia University in Finland, visited USCS in September 2015 to explore projects and partnerships related to innovation in technology and education. During her visit, the Finnish researcher engaged in discussions with SMU members.
July, 2015
The opening class for the second semester of the 2015 USCS Master’s Communication Program will be taught by Professor Joseph Straubhaar, the Amon G. Carter, Sr. Centennial Professor of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. Professor Straubhaar will be in Brazil to participate in collaborative projects with SMU researchers and has been invited to lecture on “TV globalization and new media: epistemological communication trends.” The Masterclass will take place on Tuesday, the 18th of July, at 2:00 PM, on the 2nd floor of the USCS Centro Building (located at 50 Santo Antônio St., São Caetano do Sul).
June, 2015
Two papers produced during the course ‘Communication and New Digital Media’ have been accepted for presentation at the ‘XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences,’ taking place from September 4th to 7th, 2015, at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). Master’s students Rita Donato and Giovanni Ferreira de Lima will be presenting the paper titled ‘Empowerment in Ciberculture: The Case of Escola Livre de Teatro de Santo André.’ Additionally, SMU member Marco Antonio Nogueira will be presenting ‘The Mediated Mobilism Generation,’ co-authored with Professor Alan Angeluci.
October, 2014
Alan César Belo Angeluci, SMU research leader, was the keynote speaker at the 8th edition of The Developer’s Conference, held by Globalcode from August 5th to 9th at Anhembi Morumbi University in São Paulo.
The Developer’s Conference, occurring in São Paulo since 2007, fosters knowledge exchange in IT, particularly in programming languages and business. In its 8th edition, the conference will host various tracks discussing market trends in topics such as Digital TV, Android, Windows 8, iOS, Java, Python, Testing, Cloud Computing, Games, Robotics, Business, Mobile, among others.
Alan Angeluci’s presentation delved into the Global ITV project, a bilateral Brazil-Europe initiative supported by CNPq and FP7. This project works on interoperability solutions for interactive TV platforms, emphasizing technical innovations, user experience, second screen usage, and social media integration.
September, 2014
SMU researcher Alan Angeluci recently presented the key findings of his research on second-screen usage at the Radio-Television-Film Department in the Moody College of Communication building at the University of Texas at Austin. Among the esteemed audience were renowned professors Joseph Straubhaar, Wenhong Chen, and Sharon Strover.
September, 2014
The SMU Research Group, established in September, 2014 at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS) in São Caetano do Sul, Brazil, operates within the vibrant industrial pole of the ABC region in the São Paulo metropolitan area. Grounded in Communication and interdisciplinary research, the group focuses on exploring the relationship between emerging technologies/new media and various societal dimensions. Their research spans topics such as the Internet, TV, mobile devices, social media, youth, and communities, blending applied and theoretical approaches.
The group was created by Professor Alan Angeluci as part of the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul and serves as a space for interdisciplinary research between communication and technology. The group has been formally registered in the CNPq research groups directory and accepted by the hosting institution, USCS. It already includes undergraduate and master’s students as well as researchers, both from USCS and collaborating national and international partners such as the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Brighton, England.